GW Building List

600 21st Street (600 21)

600 21st Street NW

1776 G Street (1776 G)

1776 G Street NW • View building details

1922 F Street (OM)

1922 F Street NW • View building details

Accessible entrance located on the north-west side of the building off of 20th Street.

1957 E Street (1957 E)

1957 E Street NW • View building details

Accessible entrance located on the south side of the building off of E Street.

Academic Building (ACAD)

2100 Foxhall Road NWView building details

Accessible entrances located on the east side of the building in front of the quad and the north side of the building off of Campus Drive.

Acheson Science Center (ACH)

2100 Foxhall Road NW • View building details

Accessible entrances located on the east side of the building in front of the quad and the south side of the building off of Campus Drive.

Ames Hall (AMES)

2100 Foxhall Road NW • View building details

Accessible entrances located on the north side of the building in front of the quad and the west side of the building off of Campus Drive.

Bell Hall (BELL)

2029 G Street NW • View building details

Accessible entrance located on the south-east side of the building off of G Street.

Charles E. Smith Center (SCEN)

600 22nd Street NW • View building details

Accessible entrances located on the east side of the building off of 22nd Street and the north side of the building off of G Street.

Corcoran Hall (COR)

725 21st Street NW • View building details

Accessible entrance located on the north-east side of the building via University Yard off of H Street.

Discovery Hall (DISC)

44930 Knoll Square •  View building details

Accessible entrance located on the south side of the building off of Knoll Square.

District House (DHSE)

2121 H Street NW • View building details

Accessible entrances located on the north side of the building off of I (Eye) Street and the south-east and south-west sides of the building off of H Street.

Duques Hall (DUQUES)

2201 G Street NW • View building details

Accessible entrance located on the east side of the building off of 22nd Street.

Eckles Memorial Library (LIBR)

2100 Foxhall Road NW • View building details

Accessible entrance located on the north side of the building off of Campus Drive.

Enterprise Hall (ENTPRS)

44983 Knoll Square • View building details

Accessible entrance located on the south-east side of the building in front of the parking lot.

Exploration Hall (EXPLOR)

20101 Academic Way • View building details

Accessible entrance located on the south side of the building off of Academic Way.

Flagg Building (FLAGG)

500 17th Street NW • View building details

Funger Hall (FNGR)

2201 G Street NW • View building details

Accessible entrance located on the south-east side of the building off of 22nd Street.

Gelman Library (GELM)

2130 H Street NW View building details

Accessible entrances located on the north-west side of the building off of 22nd Street and the east side of the building in Kogan Plaza.

GW Alexandria Education Center (ALEX)

413 John Carlyle Street

GW Arlington Education Center (ARLGTN)

950 N. Glebe Road

Building GG (GG)

2125 G Street NW

Accessible entrance located on the south side of the building off of G Street.

Graduate School of Education & Human Development (GSEHD)

2134 G Street NW View building details

Accessible entrances located on the west side of the building off of G Street and the south-west side of the building off of Square 80 Park.

Hall of Government (GOV)

2115 G Street NW View building details

Accessible entrance located on the south-west side of the building off of G Street.

Hand Chapel (HAND)

2100 Foxhall Road NW  View building details

Himmelfarb Library (HIML)

2300 I (Eye) Street NW View building details

Hortense Amsterdam House (HAH)

2110 G Street NW View building details

Accessible entrance located on the south side of the building off of Square 80 Park.

Innovation Hall (INNOVT)

45085 University Drive View building details

Accessible entrance located on the north side of the building in front of the parking lot.

Building J (J)

2131 G Street NW View building details

James Monroe Hall (MON)

2115 G Street NW • View building details

Accessible entrance located on the south-east side of the building off of G Street.

Lerner Health & Wellness Center (LHWC)

2301 G Street NW View building details

Accessible entrance located on the south side of the building off of G Street.

Lisner Auditorium (LISNER)

730 21st Street NW View building details

Accessible entrance located on the east side of the building off of 21st Street.

Lisner Hall (LISH)

2023 G Street NW View building details

Accessible entrance located on the north side of the building via University Yard off of H Street.

University Student Center (USC)

800 21st St NWView building details

Accessible entrances located on the north-east side of the building off of I (Eye) Street and the south-east side of the building off of 21st Street.

Media and Public Affairs Building (MPA)

805 21st Street NW • View building details

Accessible entrances located on the west side of the building off of 21st Street and the south-west side of the building off of H Street.

Milken Institute School of Public Health Building (GWSPH)

950 New Hampshire Avenue NW • View building details

Accessible entrance located on the south-east side of the building off of New Hampshire Avenue.

Online (ON)

Courses listed as “ON LINE” on the Schedule of Classes are part of a GW online program. Students should consult their class syllabus for specific details.

Building P (P)

2108 G Street NW

Accessible entrance located on the south side of the building off of H Street.

Phillips Hall (PHIL)

801 22nd Street NW • View building details

Accessible entrance located on the south-west side of the building off of H Street.

Remote Instruction (REMOTE)

Courses listed as "REMOTE INSTR" on the Schedule of Classes have been moved fully online as part of a COVID accommodation. Consult your class syllabus for specific details.

Rome Hall (ROME)

801 22nd St NWView building details

Accessible entrance located on the south-west side of the building off of I (Eye) Street.

Ross Hall (ROSS)

2300 I (Eye) Street NW • View building details

Samson Hall (SAMS)

725 21st Street NW • View building details

Accessible entrance located on the north side of the building via University Yard off of H Street.

Science and Engineering Hall (SEH)

800 22nd Street NW • View building details

Accessible entrances located on the north side of the building off of I (Eye) Street, the north-east and south-east sides of the building off of 22nd Street, the south side of the building off of H Street and the north-west side of the building off of 23rd Street.

Smith Hall of Art (SMTH)

801 22nd Street NW • View building details

Tompkins Hall (TOMP)

725 23rd Street NW • View building details

Accessible entrance located on the north-west side of the building off of H Street.

Building XX (XX)

814 20th Street NW • View building details

Accessible entrance located on the east side of the building off of 20th Street.